Neocate Syneo

Our synbiotic AAF*. Uniquely combined, clinically proven1,2.

Neocate Syneo is a hypoallergenic amino acid formula (AAF) designed to meet the nutritional needs of infants who have Cow's Milk Allergy (CMA), Multiple Food Protein Allergies (MFPA), or require an AAF from birth.

Neocate Syneo is the only AAF to contain a synbiotic blend of both prebiotics and probiotics8*.

With Neocate Syneo, the benefits stack up

Neocate Syneo helps rebalance the gut microbiota3,4,5

ASSIGN trial:

After just 8 weeks of taking Neocate Syneo, the gut microbiota of infants with CMA is brought closer to that of a healthy breastfed infant4‡‡


Difference in gut microbiota composition at week 8, Neocate Syneo vs a non-synbiotic AAF:4‡‡


The significant differences in microbiota composition between the Neocate Syneo group and the non-synbiotic AAF group at 8 weeks was maintained at 26 week follow-up3

Neocate Syneo provides effective symptom resolution1,2,9

Compared with a non-synbiotic AAF, Neocate Syneo is associated with:


58% fewer skin symptoms1‡#


58% fewer GI symptoms1‡#

Neocate Syneo is associated with fewer infections compared to a non-synbiotic AAF1-3,10


Neocate Syneo is associated with 35% fewer infections vs a non-synbiotic AAF1‡

Significantly fewer infants may experience overall GI, skin, respiratory and/ or ear infections when prescribed Neocate Syneo vs a non-synbiotic AAF1‡,2

Neocate Syneo is associated with less medication use1,2,10

19% less medication use was required when Neocate Syneo was prescribed instead of a non-synbiotic AAF1‡ (p<0.001)

47% lower rate of antibiotic prescriptions when taking Neocate Syneo vs a non- synbiotic AAF1‡ (p<0.001)

Neocate Syneo can ease the burden of CMA on HCPs and the NHS1,2,10,11

56% fewer hospitalisations (due to infections) when taking Neocate Syneo vs a non- synbiotic AAF11

31% shorter clinical journey associated with Neocate Syneo vs non-synbiotics AAF1‡**

Neocate Syneo is associated with a potential cost saving to the NHS1,2

Over the course of their clinical journey, an infant taking Neocate Syneo saves the NHS money by spending less on:1

  • -£14.36 Medications
  • -£22.82 Specialist referrals
  • -£114.79 Prescription costs##
  • -£235.46 Hospital admissions

Adapted from Sorensen 20211

This amounts to a potential cost saving of £452.18 per infant over their clinical journey compared to a non-synbiotic AAF1‡

HCPs and parents report positive experiences with Neocate Syneo10

In a survey of HCPs and parents who had either prescribed or whose infant has been prescribed Neocate Syneo:10§§

  • 84% of HCPs report an observed reduction in the need for medications for GI symptoms
  • 82% of HCPs report observing a reduction in overall infections
  • 75% of HCPs observed a reduction in the need for visits to doctors surgeries
  • 96% of parents report they or their family has had an improvement in their QoL
  • 82% of parents reported that their child's sleep improved

More on Neocate Syneo

Prebiotics and probiotics: what are they? 

What is the difference between Neocate Syneo and Neocate LCP?

Neocate LCP is an amino acid based formula also suitable for the dietary management of Cow’s Milk Allergy, Multiple Food Protein Allergies (MFPAs) and/or other conditions that require an AAF from birth.

Neocate Syneo includes a synbiotic blend of both prebiotics (galacto-oligosaccharides and fructo-oligosaccharides) and probiotics (Bifidobacterium breve M-16V).

*Product can be provided to patients upon the request of a Healthcare Professional. They are intended for the purpose of professional evaluation only.

Important notice: Breastfeeding is best. Neocate Syneo and Neocate LCP are foods for special medical purposes for the dietary management of Cow’s Milk Allergy, Multiple Food Protein Allergies and other conditions where an amino acid-based formula is recommended. They should only be used under medical supervision, after full consideration of the feeding options available including breastfeeding. Suitable for use as the sole source of nutrition for infants under one year of age. Refer to label for details.

*SYNEO synbiotic blend: Bifidobacterium breve M-16V (probiotic) & short-chain/long-chain fructo-oligosaccharides (prebiotic).

†The only synbiotic blend within an AAF in the UK. Market comparison of UK AAF data cards, October 2023.

‡Observational study of real-world evidence in The Health Improvement Network (THIN) GP database1, n=148 Neocate Syneo vs Alfamino (Feb 2021).

#Skin: eczema & urticaria. GI: diarrhoea, constipation, flatulence, vomiting, reflux, bloody stools, mucus in stools, colic.

§Systematic review and meta-analysis of 4 randomised controlled trials2, Neocate Syneo vs Neocate LCP (Nov 2020).

**Clinical journey endpoint measured as being asymptomatic and not requiring a hypoallergenic formula prescription for at least 3 months.

††Contains more of the gut microbiota modulating factors of breastmilk than any other AAF (prebiotic short-chain/long- chain fructo-oligosaccharides and probiotic Bifidobacterium breve M-16V). Neocate Syneo compared to all other UK AAFs.

‡‡8 week randomised control trial4. Infants with suspected non-IgE CMA, Neocate Syneo vs non-synbiotic AAF.

##Based on the estimated mean intakes calculated from prescription dosage and duration data within the THIN database.

§§Reported change since starting Neocate Syneo, parent & HCP survey, n=120 HCPs n=50 parents, Jan 2023. HCPs recorded when they always, often or sometimes noticed a reduction.

AAF: Amino Acid-based Formula; CMA: Cow’s Milk Allergy; FOS: fructo-oligosaccharide; GI: gastrointestinal; HCP: healthcare professional; lc: long-chain; OS: oligosaccharide; QoL: quality of life; sc: short-chain; THIN: The Health Improvement Network


1. Sorensen, et al. Nutrients. 2021;13(7):2205.

2. Sorensen, et al. Nutrients. 2021;13(3):935.

3. Fox, et al. Clin Transl Allergy. 2019;9:5.

4. Candy, et al. Pediatr Res. 2018;83(3):677-86.

5. Burks, et al. Ped Allergy Immunol. 2015;26(4):316–22.

6. Scholtens, et al. Annu rev Food Sci Technol. 2012;3:21-3.

7. Andreas, et al. Early Human Dev. 2015;91(11):629–35.

8. Market comparison of UK AAF data cards, October 2023.

9. Kinnear, et al. 2021 HCP & parent survey – AAF + synbiotics, Poster presentation at the 8th International Conference on Nutrition & Growth conference, accepted May 2021.

10. Data on file 2023. HCP and Parent survey, n=120 HCPs, n=50 parents, Jan 2023.

11. Chatchatee, et al. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2022;149(2):650-58.e5.

12. Abbott. Elecare DataCard. Available at uk/product/elecare (accessed August 2023).

13. Nestle Health Science. Alfamino data card. Available at https://  data_cards/alfaminodatacard-nov-2018.pdf (accessed August 2023).

14. Nutramigen. Puramino data card. Available at milkallergy/nutramigen-puramino/ (accessed August 2023).

Accurate at time of publication: October 2023

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