Cow & Gate IF and FOM range

The Cow & Gate range

Cow & Gate has over 100 years of experience in formula feeding.

Cow & Gate fully supports the World Health Organization (WHO) recommendation that infants should be exclusively breastfed for the first six months of life and continued breast-feeding up to two years and beyond, combined with the safe introduction of appropriate complementary foods. However, when parents cannot or choose not to breastfeed,  Cow & Gate offers a range of products formulated to an infant’s specific stage.

Scientific evidence

  • Cow & Gate’s blend of oligosaccharides scGOS/lcFOS*) (9:1) is clinically proven to support the gut microbiota of formula-fed infants1-8.  It promotes a healthy gut environment1-8, softens stools1,2, and reduces the presence of harmful pathogens7.
  • If moving on from breastfeeding, formula-fed infants under 6 months of age can only obtain oligosaccharides through supplemented infant formula.
  • Infant formulas that contain added oligosaccharides can help improve the gut flora in formula-fed infants4,1,9 .
  • Not all infant formulas contain the same blend of oligosaccharides that are clinically proven to support gut health for formula-fed infants1,4,9, 10-13.
  • No palm oil in our standard infant milks.
*scGOS: short chain galacto-oligosaccharides. *lcFOS: long chain fructo-oligosaccharides. ‡ P<0.01. ^P<0.02.

The Cow & Gate range includes First Infant milks, Follow on milks and Toddler milks. Products for the dietary management of extremely low birthweight infants are also available, and our specialised products formulated for bottle-fed infants diagnosed with common infant feeding issues including colic, constipation, reflux and regurgitation.

Cow & Gate Product Range

First Infant Milk

Cow & Gate First infant milk is a nutritionally complete± breastmilk substitute, suitable as the sole source of nutrition from birth and as part of a weaning diet from 6 months.

± As required by the legislation for all infant formula.

Follow-On Milk

Cow & Gate Follow-on Milk is formulated to help meet the increased nutritional needs of infants from 6 months+ as part of a weaning diet.  Cow and Gate Follow-on Milk contains Iron to support normal cognitive development and Vitamin D to support normal growth and development of bone. It is not a breastmilk substitute and should not be used as the sole source of nutrition.

Toddler Milks

Cow & Gate Toddler Milks are specially formulated to help meet the increased nutritional requirements of toddlers from 1-3 years as part of a varied balanced diet.

Special Milks

Cow & Gate’s specialised range of foods for special medical purposes are suitable for infants with common infant feeding issues, including colic, constipation, reflux and regurgitation. They must be used under medical supervision.

  1. Moro G. et al., J Paediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2002;34:291-295.
  2. Moro G. et al., Acta Paediatr Suppl. 2003;441:77-79.
  3. Schmelzle H. et al., J Paediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2003;36:343-351.
  4. Knol J. et al., J Paediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2005; 40:36-42.
  5. Bakker-Zierikzee A.M. British J Nutr. 2005;94(5):783-790.
  6. Moro G. et al., Acta Paediatr. 2005;94(Suppl 449):27-30.
  7. Magne F. et al., J Paediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2008;46:580-588.
  8. Salvini F. et al., J Nutr. 2011;141:1335-1339.
  9. Scholtens PAMJ. et al., J. Nutr. 2008; 138: 1141–1147.
  10. Knol J. et al., JPGN 2003; 36:566.
  11. Bruzzese E. at al., Clin Nutr 2009; 28:156-161.
  12. Arslanoglu S. et al., J. Nutr. 2008; 138:1091-1095.
  13. Arslanoglu S. et al., J. Bio Regulators & Homeostatic Agents. 2012; 26:49-59
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Breastfeeding is best. Infant milk is suitable from birth, when babies are not breastfed. Follow-on milk is only for babies over 6 months, as part of a mixed diet and should not be used as a breastmilk substitute before 6 months. We advise that the use of formula milks and the decision to start weaning should be made only on the advice of a doctor, dietitian, pharmacist or other professional responsible for maternal and child care. based on baby’s individual needs.

Use Toddler milk as part of a varied, balanced diet from 1 year. Foods for Special Medical Purposes should only be used under medical supervision. May be suitable for use as the sole source of nutrition for infants from birth, and/or as part of a balanced diet from 6-12 months. Refer to label for details.

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