Nutricia Homeward: Shortlisted for a Patient Experience Award!

Great news! Nutricia Homeward has been shortlisted for the 2024 Patient Experience Network National Awards (PENNA). 

The PENN Awards are the first and only awards programme to recognise best practice in patient experience across health and social care in the UK.

Earlier this year, we submitted our patient focussed podcast series; ‘The Beat’ and we are delighted to share we have been shortlisted in two categories: 

  • Innovative Use of Technology, Social and Digital Media
  • Measuring, Reporting and Acting - Using Insight for Improvement

The podcast series was created at the start of 2023, with patient involvement and input a key factor throughout the project. This podcast series shares insights from both healthcare professionals and people who have experience living with tube feeding and covers a range of topics. 

We partnered with Helen Hynes for this series. Helen is a Dietitian specialising in home enteral nutrition in Sheffield. She is also a member of the British Dietetic Association, Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition Specialist Group. ​

This podcast series is all about supporting you with tube feeding at home.​ We now have 7 episodes in the series:

Episode 1: What is tube feeding?​

Episode 2: Your tube feeding support team​

Episode 3: Starting to tube feed from an adult’s perspective​

Episode 4: Starting to tube feed from a parent’s perspective​

Episode 5: Living with long-term feeding as an adult

Episode 6: Living with long-term feeding as an child

Episode 7: Tube feeding support available

You can listen to the episodes on all major podcast streaming platforms, or you can listen directly on

Disclaimer: The information contained in this podcast is not intended to replace the advice or recommendations of healthcare professionals. Please consult with a qualified medical professional for any healthcare concerns or medical advice.​


Nutricia offers access to a wide range of support services and resources including:

  • • Our free Sampling Service to order product samples and have them sent to your patients' homes.
  • • A range of CPD accredited e-learning programmes.
  • • Order free paper copies of our support tools for yourself or to use with your patients.
  • • Sign up to receiving marketing communications and be the first to know about our free educational events & webinars, the latest scientific research and product updates.


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