Due to increasing patient numbers and increased Dietetic workload, a new “enteral feeding tube nurse clinic” was introduced, run by the local Nutricia Homeward Nurse Jennie Green, with the intention of supporting patients with enteral feeding tubes.
This clinic has been running since 2019 and is a “drop-in clinic” which both staff and patients can access for support. This is a unique service built in conjunction with the Dietetic team, designed to meet local patient’s needs.
In 2020 a review took place to evaluate patient satisfaction of the enteral feeding tube nurse clinic. Feedback was extremely positive with comments such as:
The overwhelming feedback was that having contact with a Nutricia Homeward Nurse at least weekly throughout their radiotherapy treatment allowed patients to have rapid access to support, advice, reassurance, and training, especially important if their feeding requirements changed.
The clinics were temporarily suspended during the Covid-19 pandemic and have now restarted.
Patients, Dietitians and Consultants appreciate the instant and direct access to the Nutricia Homeward Nursing Service the clinic offers.
N. Wayne, J. Solomon, V. Gallivan, L. Gregory, G.P. Hubbard. Evaluation of a new enteral feeding tube nurse clinic at the Weston Park Hospital Radiotherapy department. BAPEN 2021. Clinical Nutrition ESPEN. Volume 48, April 2022, Pages 521-522
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