
Fresh berry meringue wreath

Fresh berry meringue wreath

Recipe highlights

Total cooking time:

30 minutes to prep 1 hour to bake


Low Protein Diet - Exchange value 1* (0 exchange per serving )



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  • Double the low protein meringues recipes 
  • 250mls of vegan double/whipping cream
  • 400g fresh fruit i.e. strawberries, raspberries, blueberries and pomegranate seeds


  1. Pre heat the oven to 180°C.
  2. Mix the meringue mixture until you have stiff peaks – you can use either a stand mixer or a handheld mixture to do this.
  3. Line a baking tray with baking paper and draw an 8inch circle onto it before flipping the paper over.
  4. Use a tablespoon to place the meringue around the circle so it looks like a wreath.
  5. Dip a teaspoon into cold water and run a channel around the middle of the wreath to create a trench this will ensure meringue holds shape when baked.
  6. Place the meringue in the oven and turn down the heat to 100°C and bake for 1 hour, after the hour, turn off the oven and leave over night to dry out and cool completely.
  7. You can keep the meringue in an airtight tin for 1 weeks until you’re ready to decorate.
  8. Whisk the vegan cream until soft peaks and fill the wreath with the cream before topping the wreath with fresh fruit and serve.

Chef's tips:

  1. Any fresh fruit can be used on the wreath 
  2. Frozen berries work well on the wreath 
  3. Great for a Christmas party or summer BBQ 
  4. You can melt and drizzle with low protein chocolate
  5. If you don’t like cream, you can fill with low protein cheese, just whisk the cream cheese with 2 tsp of castor or icing sugar and 1 tsp of vanilla

This recipe is intended for patients who have been prescribed Loprofin by a healthcare professional.

The Loprofin range are Foods for Special Medical Purposes for the dietary management of inherited metabolic disorders and other conditions requiring a low protein diet, and must be used under medical supervision.

* The protein content indicated in this recipe is provided as a guide only. Please check the protein content on individual ingredients and product labels.

**Allergens may be present, please check individual ingredients and product labels. If concerned about allergens, please contact your healthcare professional.
