
Christmas pudding

Nutilis Clear Christmas pudding recipe image

Recipe highlights

Total cooking time:

30 min


Level 4 dysphagia diet



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75g supermarket cooked nut free Christmas pudding or fruit sponge
250ml brandy sauce or custard
5 scoops Nutilis Clear


  1. Place the Christmas pudding in a blender with water, add 200ml of brandy sauce/custard and blend until smooth.
  2. Add the Nutilis Clear and blend for a further 10 seconds, leave to stand for 1 minute.
  3. Line a plastic pudding container with cling film and pour the Christmas pudding mixture into this.
  4. Place in the fridge for 20 minutes and the turn out on to a plate, removing the cling film.
  5. Heat in a microwave for 30 to 40 seconds.
  6. Pour the remaining 50ml of brandy sauce/custard over the pudding and serve (custard can be thickened with Nutilis Clear if required).

*Ensure the ready-made Christmas pudding has no hard food items, nuts, glazed fruits etc, which can constitute a choking risk

Ensure you complete dysphagia texture checks.

For more information on how to prepare and present meals using Nutilis Clear, take a look at our chef’s preparation and presentation tip videos.

Additional portions can be frozen for later use or refrigerated for up totr 24 hours.

Please be aware that blending hot foods can be dangerous. Always check the manufacturer’s instructions to ensure that your blender is suitable for processing hot foods and follow their instructions for safe blending.

*Allergens may be present, please check individual product and ingredient labels. If concerned about allergens please contact your healthcare professional.

These recipes should form part of a healthy, varied diet and the amount of Nutilis Clear used in each recipe is used as an example and does not replace the advice of your Healthcare Professional. Individual requirements will vary so please refer to your Healthcare Professional if you are unsure how much Nutilis Clear is right for you.

573 kcal
21g fat
80g carbohydrate
15g protein
