Top tips - Managing a dry mouth for people with swallowing problems
A dry mouth can be an uncomfortable reality for a lot of patients with dysphagia - read our top tips on how best to manage it
Part of our Top Tips series for dysphagia management
Tips for managing a dry mouth
Always take fluids or non-alcoholic drinks with meals (thickened to the correct consistency)
Avoid anything that may worsen dryness, such as drinking alcohol and caffeinated drinks, smoking cigarettes and breathing through the mouth
Sip fluids throughout the day. Keep fluids by your bedside
Replace saliva with salivary substitutes e.g. Glandosane, BioXtra Moisturising Gel
Avoid spicy, dry or hard crunchy foods such as biscuits
Minimise your intake of salty foods as they may cause pain in a dry mouth
Eat soft creamy foods such as casseroles and soups
Moisten foods with gravies, sauces, extra oil, margarine, butter, salad dressings, mayonnaise or yoghurt
Pineapple juice has enzymes that can help clean the mouth. Check with your Speech and Language Therapist that this texture is appropriate
Protect against dental caries/decay by brushing teeth and gums regularly
Avoid sticky foods such as toffee
Use fluoride toothpaste
Use a fluoride, alcohol free mouthwash
Have regular dental check-ups
If the air in your home feels dry, try using a humidifier or place a pot/bowl of water near the heat source to help moisten the air (the humidifier and pot of water should be cleaned on a regular basis)
Stimulate the production of saliva by chewing sugar-free gum or rubbing a cotton bud dipped in lemon juice under the tongue: Check with your Speech and Language Therapist that this is appropriate
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